Tuesday, May 18, 1954

Tuesday, May 18, 1954
Brown v Board of Education Front Page of The Daily Iowan

The Journey of a Painting: A Timeline

1896-Plessy v Ferguson -made segregation legal by decreeing "separate but equal."

1936 University of Maryland v. Murray-the State Supreme Court orders U of M to accept a black law student on the grounds that there is no black law school

1940-Federal Court equalized pay for black and white teachers

1948-Arkansas State integrated

1954-Brown v Board of Education-overturned Plessy v Ferguson striking down "separate but equal"

1954-Bolling v Sharpe-Supreme Court said the Federal Government must desegregate schools in Washington, DC

1955-1960 federal courts rule on 200 + desegregation cases

1956-University of Alabama is mandated to allow its first black student, Autherine Lucy

1956-State of Virginia refuses desegregation; says will close schools before they integrate

1959-25,000 marchers protest segregation in DC

1960-Ruby Bridges escorted to Franz Elementary, an all white school

1963-Norman Rockwell depicts Ruby Bridges' first day in The Problem We All Live With

1963- Two African Americans successfully enter University of Alabama where Gov. Wallace was standing trying to prevent them

1964-Civil Rights Act passed; part of which outlaws discrimination by anyone receiving federal assistance

1968-Green v. County School Board of New Kent County-Court rules that states must completely desegregate in all aspects

1969-Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education-"all deliberate speed" is invalid and demands desegregation of all schools in Mississippi at once

1971- Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education-Court says that busing and other methods are appropriate to segregate

1988-integration reaches all time high

1992- United States v. Fordice states that "race-neutral" measures do not equal desegregation

Teaching Tolerance. (2004, Spring).  Brown v. Board: Timeline of school integration in the U.S..  Teaching Tolerance, 25.  Retrieved from http://www.tolerance.org
  Image taken from:  http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/general_library/archives/exhibits/civilrights/segregation/images/sunflower.html

Image taken from:  http://www.aarp.org/politics-society/history/info-01-2013/1963-retrospective-the-struggle-for-civil-rights.html#slide9

  Image taken from:  http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/general_library/archives/exhibits/civilrights/segregation/images/sunflower.html

Image taken from: http://www.aarp.org/politics-society/history/info-01-2013/1963-retrospective-the-struggle-for-civil-rights.html#slide4

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